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Complete Home Library is engineered to make full use of the latest Microsoft technologies.

Applies to: Windows 2000; Windows 98; Windows ME; Windows NT; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP

The files below must exist on your computer before you attempt to install the
Complete Home Library application.

    1. This application requires access to The Microsoft® .NET Framework. If you are unsure whether this framework has been installed on your computer, please download and run the following file from the Microsoft Site: Microsoft .NET Framework Redistributable 1.0

    2. Windows 95 requires DCOM95 to be installed. If you are unsure whether this has been installed, obtain the self-extracting executable DCOM95 for Windows 95 file from the Microsoft Download site.

    3. Windows 95®, 98 and NT4® must have a version (2.5 or later) of Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) installed. If you are unsure whether your computer has this file installed please download and install the MDAC 2.5 SP2 (2.52.6019.2) file from the Microsoft Download site.
    4. Windows 95®, 98 and NT4® must have a recent version of the new Microsoft® Help engine (1.2 or higher) installed.  Download Hhupd.exe   from the Microsoft Download site to update the help engine.

    All the downloads are from the Microsoft® download site and are free to users of the various Windows operating systems

    Once the files have been downloaded to your desktop, double click each file in turn and follow the directions to install them on your computer. 

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