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Internet Information Libraries 

  Library Creation   Copy from Web   Enter Web Pages   Edit Web Pages    

Complete Home Libraries handle and edit all types of HTML Documents
Whatever the HTML documents or files you would like to organize and edit in a library,
Complete Home Libraries are ideal.

As many libraries as needed managed by one Application

Create as many libraries as needed for different items. You might have a library for HTML documents created in a Complete Home Library, another for HTML documents obtained from the Web, another for Web Pages you have downloaded from the Internet, another for articles and other files obtained from various databases, and so on. Alternatively, enter them all into the same library and access the items you want using the wide range of search and sorting options in the library.

Copying from the Internet

Information found on the internet is, by its nature, temporary. Very often, when you return to a site to find the information again it has been removed or the site no longer exists. So, if you find information or graphics, or music, or anything else which might prove useful in the future, get it while you can!

The simplest way to obtain information from Web sites and documents is to copy it and paste it directly into an automatically generated HTML document in a Library. You can copy from as many sources as you wish into the same HTML document and save that document as an entry in a library.

Edit information copied from the internet in this window

Entering HTML Documents and Web Pages

Enter Web documents and pages into a library. There they can be edited and manipulated in any way you choose using the complete set of editing tools provided in the HTML editing window.

Editing Web Pages and HTML Documents

 Use the wide range of HTML editing tools to create new internet pages and/or rework information from the internet to suit your own purposes.


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